- Bird Watching
- Amazonic River Dolphin Observation
- Esotericism
- Fishing
- Golfing in La Paz
- Orchids
- Handicraft / Textiles
- Pre Hispanic Agriculture
- Natural Medicine
- Butterfly
- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Route
- Geology
- Coffee Town
- Bolivian Gastronomy
- Archeology / Anthropology
- Cattle Breeding
- Speleology
- Andean Astronomy
- Colonial Churches in the Andes
- Etnomusicology
- Historical Haciendas
- Llama Packing
- Photographic Tours
- Study Tours
- High Altitude Wineries and Typical Liqueurs
- Cameloid Breeding
- Paleontology
- Mine Tours
- Sport Events
- Volunteer Tours
- Language Study
- Shopping
- Industrial Programs

Photographic Tours
Bolivia is a country of superlatives. It has the highest navigable lake in the world, the highest commercial airport, the highest golf course, the
highest ski run, and the highest capital, one of the oldest ruins and what is said to be the highest concentration of cosmic rays on earth. It is one of the least known destinations in the world-with a big portion of its territory not explored to date. It is also a nation of contrasts, which led the French explorer-scientist D’orbigny to call it a “microcosm of the planet”. It has every type of geologically classified land, flora, fauna, mineral and tropical products; this is certainly a paradise for any photographer. Our program includes a local professional photographer, which will guide customers into spots, areas and isolated communities ideal for great photographic production.
Location: All the country
Duration: On request